You’ve probably heard the term “use it or lose it”, right? Well, the same can be said for mobilisation. If we don’t mobilise our joints, we’ll lose mobility in them. It’s incredibility important that over the next few weeks, or months while we’re battening down the hatches and binge watching ‘A Current Affair’ that we continue to mobilise our joints to prevent aches and pains in the short term, and injuries in the long term. Imagine how excited you’ll be, day one of the gym re-opening. You’re the first one through the door, b-lining towards the squat rack to see what your 1RM is now after your sabbatical from exercise. You do your first warm up set and … *PING*. There goes your lower back, you’re out for the season! Dramatic – I know. But seriously, don’t be the guy that gets injured day one because you’ve been a couch potato instead of looking after your body.
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"Above all, have fun with it. Stay HEALTHY, stay ACTIVE and despite the chaos and the tough times we may have ahead try and stay POSITIVE"
Jess Maris